Delights By Neela
Delights By Neela är ett litet privatföretag som tillverkar diverse veganska godsaker, så som chokladpraliner, tårtor, fudge och mycket annat.
The website is the first real website I’ve developed for a client. The page is built on WordPress but all visual design is done completely from scratch. Thanks to the shop-plugin WooCommerce, together with some tweaks to said plugin, we were able to implement a way of showcasing the various products without the ability to order and shop the products online, per the clients request. This function is easy to add back in in the future if the needs were to change down the road.
Fokus har legat på lättanvändlighet och en snygg men enkel visuell stil. Instagram-flödet och de fyra senaste produkterna på framsidan ger en touch av dynamik på en annars ganska simpel och statisk startsida.
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